Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rehabing our front landscaping has been more than it's cracked up to be, but CJ has it under control! Oh, and Becca's still cute!

The Colt's season begins with a new fan this year!

Mamaw and Papaw came with gifts this weekend. Her mamaw is showing Becca how to get her new John Deere gator going.
The gator is definitately a hit!

Like I mentioned, Chris has been hard at work outside. So here is some photo-documentation, starting with this before picture.

Initial demo. It was tedious; there are a million pavers!

Our driveway, the material staging center.

Chris not only removed the old pavers, but he had to dig down into the clay 4-6 inches. Then he wheelbarrowed in this bigger crushed stone (about 22,000 pounds worth, really).

Then there's a layer of a finer, more sand-like material than had to be wheelbarrowed in. Our neighbor has been so kind and generous with his time and muscle. Thanks Phil!!

Then Chris got to re-lay the old pavers. He thought that was going to be easy and fast...well, not so much. The walkway slopes down 8-12 inches from front door to driveway so Chris couldn't just use a level to insure he was doing it right...many long hours, but it's looking good! Oh, and he couldn't have done it without his trusty assistant!

My new favorite picture...what more needs to be said

Taking a break with Daddy.

Becca loves all the material piles we have in the driveway. Chris and I have thought maybe this should be a yearly thing; Becca will play and entertain herself for 10-15 minutes!

Playing in the clean laundry
We discovered that Becca loves corn on the cob. She can eat a whole ear. I just give her the cob and, well, you see the results (she's moved on to a chicken nugget, but you can see the remnants-everywhere!)

We got a little table for Becca to use and she loves it. Her she and spot are having a snack.

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