Thursday, April 1, 2010


Spring is here! (so are my allergies, hence the title of this entry) We've been trying to spend some time outside and in doing so have found that Becca is not an instant fan of the grass. When we put her down she usually lifts both hands/arms and lifts one foot--see the picture below. I've been working with her a little bit to gradually get her more comfortable and she's getting the hang of it.
Though giving up sweets for Lent, I was inspired this week by a recent blog entry from my best friend Sheri ( Inspired so much, in fact, I've given up Lent a week early to enjoy a newly started Easter Tradition in our home...Lemon Easter Cookies. They really are fantastically light and a perfect pair for a cup of tea or coffee.

This morning was beautiful so I went out to capture our first blooms...we can't wait to see all that is planted around our new home. And now would be a perfect spot to thank the Jones men for spending the hours outside raking, pruning, and shaping our landscaping. It looks so wonderful as the green buds and flowers are appearing.

Finally and most exciting...we had our first Jones family professional photo shoot! We couldn't be more pleased with Amy's work. She's been adding new pictures each day as she edits them, so check back often--

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