Saturday, October 17, 2009


Sorry I've been a bit MIA. Two weeks ago tonight, my girlfriend lost her 6 month old daughter, Gabriella. The story is unbelievably tragic and Gabi leaves behind her mother, father, 2 year old sister and fraternal twin. It all hits too close to home. There are no answers from the autopsy leaving SIDS as the unsettling and unfullfilling explanation (not that any explanation would be "fulfilling"). The memorial service was as nice as it could've been given the unthinkable situation and there was not a dry eye in the house. I sobbed for days, as did Chris, and our hearts and prayers go out to the family. Let this be a reminder to all of us to be thankful for what we have as it could be taken without notice or warning in an instant. We are so blessed and lucky for all we have...Rest in peace Gabi....

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